Sunday, August 2, 2009

A new scrapbook store in Redding!!

Keep your eyes peeled for:
A new scrapbook store is coming to Redding California!

We are all sad to see "Scraps of Life" closing this month. But the good news is, We will open very shortly after she closes and I hope that we will be able to satisfy those paper cravings.
We will be located at 1484 Hartnell Ave. STE. B. I am very excited about this new venture and can't wait to share it with all fellow scrap enthusiasts!

The expected opening date is August 31, 2009. Hope to see you then!

So until then-Stay tuned for more info. to come.

1 comment:

  1. I visited the sale today at Scraps of Life and was sad to see them close their doors, but excited that yours are opening. This is life....where one door closes another opens. I look forward to seeing your store and of course supporting your store and my habit :p See you soon!
    Jenney Gannon :)
